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I've been a paid subscriber for a month maybe. Worth every penny.
I want to thank the many of you who have come here in recent weeks after a slew of stories on troubling election developments in Georgia and elsewhere — and also encourage you to support my work by choosing a paid subscription, or buying me a cup of coffee through our new donation option.
I started American Doom in February because I felt that much of the national political press was failing to write and cover stories with the urgency they demanded. Since then, the work that is supported by our subscribers has led to innumerable successes. We’ve exposed election officials who support lies and conspiracies about elections; we’ve uncovered a would-be right-wing domestic terrorist; and we’ve shown how election officials are coordinating to deny the results of November’s election or call them into question — and that’s just the start. You can help me to continue this work by choosing a paid subscription for as little as $5 a month. Here’s what you’ll get as a paid subscriber that my free supporters don’t have access to:
- Exclusive stories that expose threats to democracy and are paywalled to free subscribers
- Access to American Doom’s archives, which serve as a constantly-updated database of election denial officials and right wing extremists who threaten our democracy
- Plus, all new paid subscribers in the U.S. get an American Doom 2024 sticker (heh)
- If choose to become a founding member, you’ll get a signed copy of my forthcoming book, If I am Coming to Your Town, Something Terrible Has Happened
One of my initial plans for American Doom was to simply provide an outlet for writing of mine that didn't have a home elsewhere, and to help promote my forthcoming book. But Doom has turned into much more than that. I can't wait to share more about my book with you all when the time is right — but first we have to get through this election, and that's no small task.
That's why I'm asking for your help. It's just me and a colleague here at Doom — filing public records requests, digging into election denial officials and keeping tabs on all manner of election related developments across the country. So, if you'd like to support our efforts, click the link below to subscribe or donate. Thank you, as always, for any support you're willing to provide.